Humility and Learning to Let Go
*There was a glitch the first time I posted this, here’s the new version:)
Lately, there has been so much I have been learning. It seems the last few months two things have been on my heart. One is letting go and learning to trust, and another is a word that keeps running through my mind. Humble. And no, not the song by Kendrick Lamar. 😉 Although, that too has been stuck in my head.
I joined a bible study in March with a group of friends. (By the way- best decision ever.) There is something so special about my friends and their hearts. They teach me so much. The thing that has stood out to me the most is how each one of them loves and serves others with everything they’ve got. They’ve shown me how to serve in my everyday life with the intention of building others up and revealing to them their God-given potential; not building up their own reputation, or serving to benefit and draw attention to themselves. Such displays of humility take so much discipline and walking closely with the Lord. Having a humble spirit goes deeper than just actions. It starts with your heart and your mind. In Proverbs 4:23 it says, “Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. ” If your heart is not in a humble place, your actions never will be. And If your thoughts and intentions aren’t humble, your actions never will be either.
So what does it mean to have a humble heart? To be humble means turning against your own selfish desires. This is where the discipline takes place. In Galatians 5:16-18 it talks about using the freedom we are given from God in a humble way. Turning away from our own selfish and sinful nature. Walking in freedom and in touch with the Holy Spirit.
“So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other so that you are not to do whatever you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.”
Back in April, I had tryouts for the 2017-2018 season of Pom. I made Varsity again…but I decided not to continue with it this year. There were many reasons for that decision and it’s definitely too long of a story to share right now, but I am happy and feel at peace about my decision. Since choosing not to continue, I have been exploring God’s freedom and peace and I’ve been able to enter into this season of rest. It’s also been a time of a lot of unknowns, a lot of impatience, and not a lot of trust. I am such a planner. I like to know exactly what I am doing at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon and what I am doing two years from now. Even if I’m going to the gym I have to have a plan. Start with ten minutes on the treadmill, then hit the squat rack and then do some deadlifts. I always like to know what’s happening. I like things to be predictable.
I wish I was an adventurous free spirit who goes cliff diving on a Monday and then on a day trip to California on Tuesday. Unfortunately, that’s not me. I like routine. I like a schedule. No unknowns. Yeah, well, life doesn’t work like that. God doesn’t work like that either. God wants us to trust him. God wants us to be that free spirit who just wakes up each morning with no expectations, just walking with the Him. God wants us to be that girl described in Proverbs 31:25 who is “Clothed with strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future.” I get it. It’s really scary to let go and trust, but we have to remember God is holding all the plans, so we don’t need any. God has all the answers, so we can let go of our questions. God wants us to boldly and bravely let go of our selfish desires and need for control and trust him. Quitting Pom has meant letting go of those plans that ultimately only satisfied my selfish desires.
Pom also satisfied my selfish longing for a certain reputation or image. No one talks about the assistant manager or the athlete who got second place. The world places so much value on being the best, being number one, being popular, having money, or being the best at our jobs. It’s what we are taught to strive for, and it’s what we’re taught to find our value in. But that is not what God wants us to strive for. That’s not what determines our value in God’s eyes. God wants us to be okay with being the person who finishes second or is not so popular, or maybe not the best at what they do because when we are in a number two spot, we are able to push and build those in front of us up. We are able to look at them and serve them and reveal to them their God-given potential. We are able to look at them and say “I see you and I see a lot in you.” We are not on this earth to say, “Do you see me? Do you see how much I have to offer? Do you see my potential?” No. We are to show others their value and support them. We are to sacrifice our agendas, our plans, and our visions and let God unfold his visions and plans for our lives. We are to walk with a humble heart down God’s path for our life, ignoring our selfish desires.
Friends, I encourage you to serve your family, your friends, your boyfriend, your girlfriend and everyone in your life for their God-given potential and to reveal to them their value and their worth. God will bless you. He will bless you like you are a number one when you live as a number two for a little while. Let go of your agendas and plans and expectations, and trust God’s plans by walking humbly in obedience to him.
PS- Sorry about not blogging for 4 months. More regular blogs are on their way! 🙂
Dear Madeline
I am amazed at your thoughtful reflections, and delighted by the direction in which you are moving. I am trusting that the values you articulate will continue to characterize you.
Thank you Papa!!